Below is a list of services and organisations operating in Victoria that can provide further information about family violence and violence against women.
General resources on domestic violence, family violence and violence against women:
- Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria -
A statewide resource centre supporting workers and families to help stop family violence. Contains online information for those who have experienced family violence, training courses for professionals to improve skills in supporting survivors of family violence, and pamphlets/booklets to assist survivors of family violence.
- Domestic Violence Victoria -
The peak body for specialist family violence services for women and children. Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) works to improve the safety and wellbeing of women and children who have experienced, or are at risk of, family violence.
- Our Watch -
Our Watch has been established to drive nationwide change in the culture, behaviours and power imbalances that lead to violence against women and their children. Our Watch our creators of 'Change the Story'.
Change the Story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence - Pdf and Video
Australia has a choice. We can change the story that currently sees a woman murdered every week by a current or former partner. We can choose a future where women and their children live free from violence. Put simply, violence against women and their children is preventable.
- White Ribbon -
White Ribbon is a national, male-led movement to end violence against women. It engages in primary prevention activities involving raising awareness and education and programs with young people, schools, workplaces and across the community.
White Ribbon Ambassador program:
White Ribbon Ambassadors are men who take a leadership role in preventing men’s violence against women. They are representatives of White Ribbon Australia who have the knowledge, skills and determination to influence men to think about their attitudes and behaviours toward women.
- Partners in Prevention
Partners in Prevention (PiP) is a network of practitioners working across Victoria to prevent violence against women. PiP supports prevention practitioners to hone their practice skills, connect with one another and strengthen their knowledge of the evidence base around respectful relationships education and the primary prevention of violence against women.
- Royal Commission into Family Violence (Victoria) -
The Royal Commission into Family Violence delivered its report to Government House on March 29th 2016. The report outlines how to effectively prevent family violence, improve early intervention, support victims, make perpetrators accountable, better coordinate community and government responses, evaluate and measure strategies, frameworks, policies, programs and services.
Family/Domestic violence crisis and outreach services:
Women's health and well being organisations:
- Women's Health Victoria -
Provides online information about issues related to women’s health; offers workshops and forums on issues such as violence against women and prevention - phone (03) 9664 9300
- YWCA Victoria -
Advocates for women’s equality; supports women to obtain accommodation and housing; offers mentoring program for young women - phone (03) 8341 8700
Men's organisations:
- Mens Referral Service -
Telephone counselling, information and referrals for men to help them to stop using violent and controlling behaviour - phone 1300 766 491
- No to violence -
Provides information and training for professionals working witn men to change their violent behaviour - phone 1300 766 491
Relationship support: