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Islam teaches us that in the sight of God, Allah Almighty says that all people are equal, regardless of gender. Although, people are not necessarily identical. There are differences of abilities, potentials, ambitions, wealth and so on. Reference is made to men and women through their attributes and deeds. Spiritual equality, responsibility and accountability for both men and women, is a well-developed theme in the Quran. Spiritual equality between men and women in the sight of God is not limited to purely spiritual or religious issues, but is the basis for equality in all temporal aspects of human endeavour.
Scriptural Texts:
I shall not lose sight of the labour of any of you who labours in My way, be it man or woman; each of you is equal to the other - (3:195) Surah Ali Imran (Family of Imran)
The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another - (At-Tawbah 9:71)
A Guide for Muslim Faith Leaders and Communities
This resource, developed by Women’s Health in the North and Darebin City Council, is a guide for Muslim faith leaders and communities to take action to prevent violence against women and promote equal and respectful relationships